Monday, August 3, 2009

researching??? 330 am?? alwayz. dis-ease

"As all the pushing and shoving over universal health care coverage moves into high gear, one thing remains indisputable. If Americans were healthy the costs of insuring them would be a whole lot less, and coverage could easily be provided for all without breaking a sweat. Healthy people have no need to visit doctors or take expensive medicals tests. They don`t even need checkups or perceived authority figures to tell them what they already know. Unfortunately, most Americans are currently nowhere near a state of vibrant health. This is partly their fault in failing to take responsibility for keeping themselves healthy. But the greater fault lies in the fact that Americans have been victims of an ongoing undeclared war by their government and corporate leaders who have conspired to keep them in a state of disease. To achieve vibrant health for everyone, we as a people must be willing to take responsibility for ourselves and realize we have helped create the world in which we live by silently going along with such a war. To do this requires much courage and change. Here are some starting points:
**Restore the quality of food
Hippocrates made the need for high quality food quite clear when he said "Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food." He realized that health rests in the hands of nutrition, and that all the medicine anyone could ever need is contained in food. However, Hippocrates never envisioned the factory farms of today that produce nutritionally depleted food grown in starved soils under farming methods that are an insult to the earth. He had no knowledge of pesticides and genetically modified seeds. It is no coincidence that our modern health crisis parallels the disappearance of clean nutritious foods.
When Americans ate a diet consisting primarily of unprocessed whole foods produced on family farms, the disease rates were a fraction of what is seen today, andhealth care costs were much less. We have allowed our right to eat healthy food to be stolen from us by greedy people. It`s time to use our dollars to take back this right. By buying only high quality whole foods grown organically on local small farms or in our backyards, we are saying no to the corporations that want to exploit us. When we do this we are also sending a powerful message to our families and friends that says health comes first. The more that people have to sacrifice to afford high quality food, the louder is their message.

Geoffrey Canada, currently working wonders in the Harlem Children`s Zone, realizes the importance of nutrition in raising healthy children and the importance of making it a priority even in families living at the poverty level. He is shown in the current CNN special Black in America Part 2 going door to door in his school`s community, seeing bags of junk food and fast food wrappers and asking the parents where are the apples and bananas. Canada understands that it is up to each person to try to shape the world in which he lives rather than blindly accepting life as it is defined by others."

wow wow wowww... long article. reading the rest later....kinda sleepy??

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